

━━ a. 垂直の (horizontalの対); 直立した, 縦の; 【数】頂点の; 【天文】天頂の; 【解】頭頂の; 【経済】(生産?販売の全過程で)縦に連ねた.━━ n. 垂直線[面,圏,位].vertical axis 【コンピュータ】垂直軸, Y軸.vertical combination 【経営】縦の[垂直的]企業結合 ((製品の原材料調達から生産,販売までの各段階に関わる複数の会社を統括的に所有する企業形態)).vertical cooperative advertising 【広告】垂直的共同広告 ((販売者の提供する広告の広告料を一定の割合で製造者が負担する)).vertical integration 【製造】垂直的統合, 垂直的合併 ((製品の原材料調達から生産,販売までの一連の過程にある企業間の統合)).ver?ti?cal?ly

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 ━━ ad.vertically challenged a. 背が低い, 背が高すぎる ((PC表現)).vertical market 【経済】垂直的市場 ((単一もしくは非常に限定された市場しか持たない製品の市場形態)).vertical mobility (就職?結婚などによる)垂直的社会移動.vertical recording 【コンピュータ】垂直記録.vertical redundancy check 【コンピュータ】垂直冗長検査.vertical scrolling 【コンピュータ】垂直スクロール.vertical take-off 【航空】垂直離陸.vertical takeoff and landing 垂直離着陸機 ((略 VTOL)).vertical tasting 垂直試飲, ヴァーティカル?テイスティング ((同じ地域?生産者の異なった年代のワインを飲み比べること)).vertical thinking 垂直思考 ((理論の積み重ねによる考え方)).vertical union 縦の組合 ((産業別労働組合)).

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Korea, Uchitsu standard distribution of infinite charm

most respected is part of your face, thin lips? Big eyes? Nose gently? Popular melon seeds, or face? Korean experts Anyway, the latest adjustment of the coexistence of the most important facial features with a face like a typical fan is a natural expression Xing Kong, he said.
Look right, the nose is really important! Face, which is also in a letter to the school's overall shape of the nose is of course not, but I felt a great relationship with wealth, beautiful nose, I actually had collapsed, instead of right or good air quality with great fanfare, noble, elegant and delicate, and type of negative impression can be given the dignity of the nose is simple and handsome.
Want Qiao nose? The secret is in the form of the nose. The surgery of the breast, as long as, for example, as well as appropriate adjustments to the high nose bridge, which immediately, and the three-dimensional flat surface, but also, to the amount of fullness, optimization of

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